David Fickling Books website
Philip Pullman
Photo: Wolf Marloh
Posted on Friday?21st?August

I started writing as soon as I could hold a pencil. I loved the feeling of making marks on a piece of paper, but it wasn't until some time later that I learned to connect that pleasure with a quite different pleasure, that of being absorbed in a story. Because I loved stories too - every kind of story, from fairy tales to Superman, from school stories to horror stories.
As a matter of fact I still do.

What I like about being published by DFB is that David Fickling loves stories too. He first published a book of mine in 1985, and we're both still going, and that book is still in print; so that must say something for my luck. The DFB list is so varied and so full of good stories that I feel very privileged to be part of it.

Actually, I feel lucky just to be doing what I do every day. If I were to go back fifty years, or more, and ask the little boy I used to be what he most wanted to do when he grew up, I think he'd say "Write stories!" In fact, I know he would. So he started, and he never stopped. There'll be more coming soon.

Once Upon a Time in the North by Philip Pullman Lyra's Oxford by Philip Pullman
Leave a message for Philip Pullman.

Greetings, Mr Pullman, from Japan! Love the books, but was disappointed by the movie of TGC. Being a fan of Hayao Miyazaki, the animator, wondered if you'd ever considered his Ghibli team to adapt HDM? He holds the dark parts well and does girl heroes extraordinarily well, I've always thought.
Very much looking forward to delving into your latest and thrill at all the excitement it is generating. All the best to you in your endeavors!
Jennifer Armstrong
Dear Phillip Pullman,

My name is Jennifer Armstrong and I am a librarian at the FitzWimarc School, in Rayleigh, Essex. We are a comprehensive secondary school for both boys and girls. I very much believe that the school library is the heart of the school which itself has learning at its core, as a result of this I know that great literature can empower our pupils by allowing their imaginations to run free, introduce them to new experiences and promote transferable skills and access to knowledge and enjoyment. In spite of this, like most schools, we do have our reluctant reader which is why we would be very honoured if you would consider bringing your talent and inspiration to our school to inspire us all. As you can imagine, a visit from yourself would be incredibly popular within our Library, adults included. As yet we have no finalised format, but very much look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time,

Cillian Mc Hugh
I wrote a song based on "the butterfly tattoo". I love that book....Its a savage story!!!! Is there any way I could get a copy of the song to you?
Veronica Phillips
Apologies Mr. Pullman

'Wormwood' was by G.Taylor, but it was a while ago that I read it. Hope I have not caused offence...

Thanks again.

Veronica Phillips
Good morning, Mr. Pullman.

Came across 'Northern Lights'

in Watersone's while on a word hungry 'browsing adventure' couldn't put it down and now I can't wait to buy the rest of the trilogy...

Having grown up in Oxfordshire,it was also good to picture Lyra in some of the places I remembered.

Hope I haven't got the wrong author, but was 'Wormwood' also one of your titles? I read that some time ago and much enjoyed it.

Many thanks and Best wishes.


catherine york
Hello Mr. Pullman! I love HDM and Lyra's Oxford! I list them as my favorites in many places. I wrote you a while back on why I believe Lyra to be one of the greatest female characters out there. Thanks for your reply. Keep up the great stories! You're an inspiration!
A Great Inspiration :)
Dona Dugay
Greetings from Michigan, Mr. Pullman! Your books look great... I'll be off to the book store here soon to seek them out. Hoping one day to be in the 'stable' with you and all the other writers at DFB!
Best wishes for continued success!
William Bray
Just wanted to say that the His Dark Materials trilogy are by far my favorite books of all time :)

Keep up the good work