David Fickling Books website
Adele Geras
Posted on Sunday?7th?June

Hello, I've got three books on the DFB list and I'd like to introduce myself to readers of this website. I've been writing for more than 32 years and have published more than 90 books for readers of all ages from babies to adults.

With DFB, my books are for 'young adults' or 'teenagers' and they're among my favourite novels. I've always said that my ideal reader was an intelligent 14 year old, because at that age, you're old enough to tackle anything but still enough of a child to require what younger children like: a good story with proper characters in interesting situations. Actually, I think ALL readers like that, but adult readers can sometimes lose sight of the fact.

I've lived in Manchester for more than forty years but I was born in Jerusalem in 1944 and travelled widely during my early childhood, thanks to a father who worked for the British Colonial Service. I went to school at Roedean, in Brighton (see Other Echoes, below) and to university at St Hilda's College, Oxford, where I read Modern Languages (French and Spanish) My husband and I have two daughters and three grandchildren.

I'm a greedy reader and especially fond of crime fiction. I spend far too much time emailing my friends and reading stuff online. I love movies and anything that happens in a theatre: plays, ballets, operas. I watch a lot of TV and am a fan of The Wire, The Sopranos, The West Wing, Mad Men and The Shield. I am mad about cats and I hate air travel and milk puddings.

I have a website at http://www.adelegeras.com

Dido by Adele Geras Other Echoes by Adele Geras Dido by Adele Geras Ithaka by Adele Geras Happy Ever After by Adele Geras Other Echoes by Adele Geras
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1 Comment

Laurena Schultz
I am a teen services librarian in the United States and have been awaiting a US release of Dido. I see it is on Amazon Kindle, but is not available in the US in any printed format. Any estimated release date? With the popularity of Percy Jackson and other ancient world related fiction, I am sure it would have a good market here NOW. I really enjoyed Troy and Ithaka and am anxious to promote Dido to my teens. Thanks for your consideration.